The first reason we're looking at as to why a golfer leaks power is through the poor use of their feet and the ground in the back swing. A golfer may not be very flexible, or perhaps they feel that they need to plant their feet in the backswing for control. By having static feet in the backswing, and throughout the golf swing is a sure fire way to leak power. Static feet will lead to a golf swing which relies heavily on the arms and upper part of the body, in turn creating a slower swing speed when compared to a swing utilising the lower half of the body. | |
If you look closely at this photograph of Rory McIlroy you will be able to see the ripples in his sweater. The ripples indicate a well coiled backswing and a storage of energy. Your average golfer commonly has the notion that to store energy and create power in the backswing they must shift their weight/pressure to the trail side in the backswing. This simply creates a sway off the golf ball with very little actual power, and to make matters worse this shift away from the golf ball makes it much more difficult to get the body in to a solid impact position at impact. |
Here's how to create an improved coil in the backswing. When you start to take the golf club back feel like your trail hip moves back as much as comfortably possible, whilst not worrying if the trail leg straightens a touch. If you get this to happen then you'll feel very coiled up in the backswing, a very different yet powerful feeling than what you may have currently.
Now this may not be the case for every golfer, however if you're a golfer with a cupped (extended) lead wrist at the top of the backswing, there's a good chance that the club face may be open throughout the golf swing or at impact. If your golf swing does feature this cupped lead wrist position, and you are struggling with an open club face at impact this can be seen as a power leak.